Friday, June 4, 2010

Epidose 2

I can definitely say that these past days and weeks are the most boring days and weeks of my life. Sure am going here and there to have some fun but you see, this is my first time of being a huge ass bum since I graduated from college. I'm not into it and this is sooo not me! I always thought that this would be easy, just a piece of cake. Well, reality check, it's not! Fucking depressing!

There was this huge construction company that I really like to work for, problem is, they can't raise the salary. Come on, I shouldn't have left my previous job if this is the only thing here! Deadline's until next week for me to decide and it's a no-brainer. I mean, HELL NO!

Anyway, have I told you that I'm like a ping pong ball? Been travelling Dubai and Abu Dhabi back and forth for some interviews. I personally love Abu Dhabi. Why? Because I think there's less temptation there. It's more of a relaxed and laid back type of place to live in. Dubai has loads of beautiful places to go and hangout to, no doubt about that, but if you think about it, it's more of an outflow of money. Not good.

Hayyyy... life in UAE. I wish to have some more action rather than just sitting here at home gaining weight and doing nothing. Ugh! Speaking of weight, got to go to the gym and do some cardio. So, toodles!


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