Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Ol' Days

Borgy and Joy were two of my closest friends during high school. I've known Joy since grade school and Borgy in secondary. I was shocked when Borgy sent me a message at FB. It's been like forever since we last spoke. So we planned of get-together thingy. I immediately informed Joy and it was all set.

April 25 indeed. I wasn't so surprised when I got to High Street early. Those guys were always late. Joy finally arrived and we started chatting -- I have last seen her in about 2 or 3 years. We have decided to wait for Borgy who's blaming the weather as the cause of his delay. Finally, after 1.5 hours of waiting, he arrived. Tssss...

After we had our dinner at Abe, we went to Starbucks to have some coffee and well... of course to chill and to chew some fat. We reminisced, ridiculed our teachers way back, thought of our enemies -- if they're still alive, tried remembering the names of the bullied ones and all those kind of stuff. Then we shifted to our personal lives, our work, our family... our kids. It was so much fun. It's like there's no tomorrow for our own stories. Talk about 8 or 10 years??? -- that would be A LOT.

It was hard to end the day but we have to, we've got our own priorities now and for goodness sake, it's almost 2am. But we promised that we'll meet often just to make ourselves updated with each other. And I like that... I would love that because those 2 freakazoids were true, proven and tested friends. I love you guys!

at Abe while waiting for our dinner


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