Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blog Transfer?

Xioms was already up when I opened my eyes early this morning and the first thing she said is "ninin". So I made her her milk and gave it to her. Geez, it's quarter to five and I should be in the shower now.

As usual am late for work again and yep, it's Sunday -- the most boring day in the office but I always look on the bright side. No bosses, no poseurs, I could wear what I want and I could listen to my fav songs and turn the volume at its highest freeeeeely. :)

I was thinking of transferring my blogs here. Hmmm... I've been a member for a while but I only enjoyed using this now and I don't know why. Maybe because it's not anymore restricted here in the office. Haha bleah! Laters!


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