Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cooking Abilities

Ever since I was a kid, I am fond of eating different types of cuisine. My personal favorites were Chinese, Mexican and of course Italian. Whenever I have my free time, all I do is either read a book or watch Food Network. I am fascinated with those chefs and culinary experts! Don't get me wrong here, I'm a BBA grad but I do have a sister, a Hotel and Restaurant Management graduate -- she's the one who is into cooking and I, uhmm... into eating! Haha.

In my 25 years of existence, I have never attempted to cook other kinds of food or those with recipes except hotdogs, fried chix, eggs etc. Yeah, yeah only those that can be fried, I know! I love eating but I hate cooking, maybe that's the reason why some people say I'm a food critic. Hmmmm... does that make sense? But there was this one time that made me realized that I can actually cook! I'm at home, watching Everyday Italian and saw Giada cooking one of their family specialties, the carbonara. It seems pretty easy so I scribbled down the ingredients and everything that I needed to know. I told myself that I'm going to make one someday.

That recipe has been in my wallet for a year I think until I finally decided to do it. So last night, I made Rigatoni a la Carbonara. Sounds luxurious and hard to pull-off but it was totally easy! When I served it, my mom was like, "You did this? Seriously?" and from that reaction, I should say I was really proud of my little cooking abilities. Haha!

Here's a pic, ingredients and procedure of cooking :)

My version of Rigatoni a la Carbonara
Hungarian sausage (sliced into bite-sized)
Pancetta (sliced thinly)
Mushroom (sliced thinly)
Black pepper
2 Eggs
1 pack of cream
1 can of cream of mushroom
Parmesan cheese
Fresh flat parsley leaves

Saute pancetta, sausage, and mushrooms in a pan until golden brown. Season with black pepper and remove pan from heat.
In a bowl, beat the eggs and cream. Add salt, pepper and parmesan.
In a large casserole, boil water. Add some salt (must taste like a sea) then add the pasta and cook until al dente, about 10 to 12 minutes for rigatoni. Drain pasta. Do not rinse with water. According to Giada, this will make sauce to stick.
While the pasta is still hot, return it back to the pot. Add the browned pancetta, sausages and mushrooms then mix well. Add the cream mixture and coat the pasta completely. Top it off with a little parmesan and chopped parsley.

PS I hate measuring so you decide based on the quantity of your ingredients and to your taste. Also, you may use any kind of pasta that you want. I preferred using rigatoni because of the hearty, chunky sauce. See, I'm learning! =)

Bon appetite!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lesson Learned

I don't know where it started, we just later realized that there's this asshole spamming me and my homies' blogs. I bet "she's" some kind of a desperate bitch hiding from a man's name. I never easily get mad with people giving unsolicited messages but doing and repeating it several times, esp not knowing who the hell you are, it's fucking annoying!

One of my friend closed her account in Multiply because of this irritating incident. What's worst is we don't know this git and all we can do is to block her. I never said that we're on the right side but please, we don't even know who or what this bastard keeps on whining about. It just so happen that my friend is a friend of her foe. Confused? Me too!

For the sake of clueless pips, this is what I'm talking about.

imyourkarma666 wrote today at 2:45 PM
The Real Rose Marie Cinco :) 11:49am

Mike DelaCruz
Today at 1:51am

betsi deleted her facebook account, how could she see my profile?? maybe you could show it to her. :)


Louie Rose Cinco
Today at 10:46am

ur so pathetic! i really pity you...
ur moves are really foul!
sbhin mo as asawa nya, bka di sha mgaling sa kama kaya iniiwan sha.. hahaha.



Mike DelaCruz
Today at 11:35am

If I’m pathetic, ano pa yung friend mo?? Engaged??? To a married man who’s still living with his wife and kids.. Now who’s pathetic, and who should you pity??

My moves are not foul, it's fair.

With regards to the the legal wife issue, well i guess that's what whores are for.. just like your friend.


Louie Rose Cinco
Today at 11:46am

Report Message

ang msasabi ko lng sa gnawa mo eh... uso na dude yun! asang panahon ka ba? hehe
lhat ng tao gnyan na, wla ng moral!


Mike DelaCruz
Today at 11:57am

Well I guess elicit relationship is just normal with you and your friends.. I hope when you get married, your husband will do the same.. that is if you get married… I don’t think any single guy would be interested.. Probably married ones.. but I doubt it!

I don't blame my friend for being stupid. Yes, she did it wrong with her inexcusable answers to the fugly bitch but it doesn't mean that we are all the same or whatever it is that she's thinking. Now, I don't even care honestly! But still, nobody has the right to terrorize someone else's webpage. I really think that this will serve as a lesson to my friend. Don't worry my dear, apology accepted. As I always say, talk is cheap. No one's gonna believe her, really.

PS if ever you come across this page you fucking asshole aka imyourkarma666, bring it you cowardly piece of shit!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Settling the Unplanned Plan

Last Thursday, my friends and I met over a dinner. We arranged a gathering to talk everything about the most awaited Ilocos trip. Yey! It was Louie and Bnx who got there first -- alleluja! We decided to eat while waiting for the others to arrive. Finally, the love birds showed up, Franny and Elly. Keti btw didn't showed up as she's dead tired from her GY shift and I could bet that she's still sleeping her ass out by that time. :P

After eating, we went to a coffee shop and that's when we had an "intense" brainstorming session haha. Karla arrived just in time. Evil geniuses versus the demon geniuses hehehe. We talked about the places we're going, hotels we're gonna stay, beacheas we're gonna visit to get tan, some money matters, shopping (oh lala!), outfits, FOOD, plane tix, and "Finance girls" to mock, etc. I think we pretty much tackled EVERYTHING. So we're all set even though it's still a month to go. Everyone has been counting down the days. =)

Here's our itinerary (nothing beats Franny in making itineraries :P)

We sure are really excited but we are keeping our fingers crossed! We hope that the weather will go along with us. We even think of offering some eggs just to make sure the positive odds are on our side and yeah, t'was Bnx's idea of course! Very bright little girl. So Ilocos, better get ready!

PS super thank you Five for the lovely fab bag. I was sooo happy and as what I've texted you, I did slept with it. Hehehe. It was supposed to be a bday gift but turned out to be a Xmas gift. Looking forward for my next bag this July =)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Antibiotic For a Week

When I woke up yesterday, I had a severe headache -- it was like splitting-into-two kind of pain and I couldn’t speak. Literally, words are barely coming out of my mouth! I immediately texted my boss that I have a fever and couldn’t report for work. My mouth was really dry so I decided to drink some water before going back to sleep. It really made me cry whenever I swallowed any type of liquid. It was effing painful! Damn I'm having a sore throat, nice... very nice! My sister gave me a hexetidine mouthwash to ease the pain but it just didn't work! The funny thing is that, the whole day, all I do is to SLEEP.

Thank gawd am a bit okay now, I managed to report for work. So I decided to have a doctor check my firing throat. Too bad the nurse informed me that the doctor will arrive by 10am so I have to wait. Fortunately, the nurse was really lovely and helpful. He gave me a lozenge and he offered himself to take me later to the clinic. After an hour or so, I had my checkup with our company doctor and he prescribed me some antibiotics and paracetamols. Antibiotic baby… for a week! I hate taking antibiotics. Ugh!

my medical prescription
I started taking the pills and the doctor told me that it'll be somewhat okay in a couple of days so wish me luck!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Unplanned Plan

My friends and I are planning to go to Ilocos this early summer. At first it was only a joke but now, we're super excited! We will go there by a bus and we'll leave there by a plane. We're gonna visit Pagudpud, Vigan and Laoag. Can't wait to taste Ilocos' famous "emapanada" and "bagnet". Actually, there's been a lot of plans though we actually don't know where to start, but hell yeah we're ready to go! So Ilocos, here we come!!!

confirmed flight tickets from Laoag to Manila
I'll keep you posted. Ta-ta!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Badings' Post-Xmas Party

"Badings" that's what we call ourselves. Originally, there are 5 ladies and 2 gentlemen. Since we cannot contact Christian anymore and a newbie wants our crazy company, we're now 6 lovely ladies and a gent. We've been office mates, beer mates, bading mates -- whatever you want to call it. Five of us are still here in the Philippines and 2 now works out of the country. Though we're far from each other, we always always find time to communicate and I must say, these are the type of friends worth keeping. =)

Xtina was here and having her vacay so Badings wouldn't really want to miss that. Besides, what we're all looking forward is our "pasalubong" Hehehe... and we're REALLY happy and SUPER excited!

We ate at Clawdaddy's in High Street. Actually, it wasn't a dinner at all, more like a post-xmas party. We all had a great time especially the 2 naughty but super cute kids. Then, some of us went off for a couple of drinks at Mint and Pier One. Talk about spending quality time.

Here are some pics...

Badings 2009

Xtina with Elaine and Xiomai

Me with my Little Miss Trouble

Group pic after the sumptuous meal!

Sol - it happens to be his bday that day! Happy bday buddy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Panic Mode

I really hate it when somebody's panicking. It's like there was a war or bomb scare or it's the end of the world. The stress in the freaky voice, the tone dropping -- oh come on, cut the crap! Instead of whirling around like you've been ignited in the ass, why don't you just stay calm and breathe slowly for you to know or should I say REALIZE what to DO.

It also confuses me what REALLY is my function here. Yes I know for a fact that you're superior but PLEASE act like one. I don't want to go beyond my usual limit and besides I'm not paid for it *rolling of eyeballs*.

Here's a perfect strip of you and your disciples


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blog Transfer?

Xioms was already up when I opened my eyes early this morning and the first thing she said is "ninin". So I made her her milk and gave it to her. Geez, it's quarter to five and I should be in the shower now.

As usual am late for work again and yep, it's Sunday -- the most boring day in the office but I always look on the bright side. No bosses, no poseurs, I could wear what I want and I could listen to my fav songs and turn the volume at its highest freeeeeely. :)

I was thinking of transferring my blogs here. Hmmm... I've been a member for a while but I only enjoyed using this now and I don't know why. Maybe because it's not anymore restricted here in the office. Haha bleah! Laters!


Boring MOM

Another boring day passed. Tomorrow, I need to wake up early again. Yes, it's Sunday I know but it's very usual nowadays having to go to work on the said "family day". It's been like this for years and I should say, I'm numb of it. Do I have a choice? Yes or maybe not. But it really doesn't matter anymore. It's my choice to become a busy BORING person. You know, sometimes I still wish to become something else. Something like a drummer of a famous rock band or something like a respected novelist or something like a.. a zombie! Well, I'm not saying I ain't happy of what I am right now -- nothing could ever be more happier or should I say more COMPLETE than being a parent especially being a MOM. Oh crap! Here I am again, enough of the freaking drama. I'm really not in the mood and besides my eyes are now getting heavy. So good night. Laters!

PS I'm still wishing and hoping that someday, in the near future, I'll be able to meet you Bobby Dupea. LOL


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Still Awake

Here I am lying on bed,
trying to figure out what's on my empty head
heard the thunder roared so loud,
two chirping birds beating it's sound

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep,
but instead I see myself starting to weep
through this darkness I felt so weak,
much worst that this I couldn't keep

The reason for this I know there's none,
one thing for sure I haven't done
I wanted to shout, I wanted to run,
time runs fast now here comes the sun

I took a pill to ease the pain,
nobody's there to soothe my strain
my head is really breaking as well as my brain,
now I wish for a real hard rain

I am asphyxiated, give me some air
this is serious that I couldn't bear
still breathing except unaware
there's nothing else I could compare

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fragmentary Thoughts

I wasn't completely asleep as I was thinking a lot of things lately.
I even managed to write this crap though I was really tired.
My brain is wandering while my eyes want to shut down.
Things aren't the way they used to be -- not so f*cking easy.
I couldn't help imagining myself full of bruises and in pain, that way I could feel numb and useless.
I've been trying to find out different ways to pass out, just as I wait for my celphone to collapse.
I am thinking of impossible things... zombie, dracula or maybe cinderella?
Things that are hallow that only in fairytales happen.
Now I think I'm dreaming.
Getting up… pausing… thinking and lighting my old friend Marl.

Btw, have a brilliant new year!