Saturday, August 14, 2010

Episode 9

Twas more than a week and I thought I won't be receiving any good feedback from the mogul. I tried texting and asking him for favorable results but it turned out am ranting again. He specifically said that I should be relaxed and that I should wait and be patient. For goodness' sake, my flight is almost near like tomorrow, I need to be present at the airport. Fuck you man! My left eye never failed twitching since the day I learned that I needed to rebook my flight. Mom said it was because am super stressed. Puhleeeaasseee... I don't want to throw another $100 for this.

Midnight when I received a text from the mogul that I'll be having my PDOS the next day at around 8am. Oh crap. I should've took a power nap awhile ago.

Anyway, I woke up early this morning, attended PDOS and yeah, went home writing this shit while waiting for the time. Tonight's gonna be my flight back to Abu Dhabi. If there's a term for that feeling of agonising-stressed-pseudo-excited freak, tell me.. because that's what I am experiencing right now.

So, one last step... then I'll be able to put an end to the idea of pissing in my pants. D'oh!

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