Saturday, August 21, 2010

Episode 10

You're prolly wondering what happened next in the series of my episodes. Well, I'm now here at sandpit, for almost a week. Getting back here seemed like a roller coaster you know but am glad all ended so well.

August 14-15: The date of my departure. I arrived NAIA airport by 8:30pm though the plane will depart the next day, 1:15am. I'm thinking, I'd better be early.. it's Friday and it's payday. I don't want to lose my temper on traffic, not that early. I'm saving it at the airport. :D So, I waited there for like more than 2 hours. I can't check in my baggage as my "very important papers" are still not on hand. Past 10 in the evening when the mogul arrived, panting, he gave me my papers and instruct me what to do. Enough with the details... in short, I passed through our airport though this time, it was all smooth and easy. Up until now, I wonder how come? Weniwei, I arrived Abu Dhabi earlier than expected.

August 16: First day at Abu Dhabi University (ADU)... officially. All went okay.. my boss was happy that I'm finally back.

August 18: Had some medical procedure like eye scan, xray and blood test.

Now, am waiting for the result of the medical exam so ADU can apply my residence visa and labor card. Hmmm.. I guess that's about it. More senseless episodes in the next few days. :)

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