Thursday, April 1, 2010

Count Dracula

It's already April and am counting the days again. Days of excitement, days of parting, days of sadness, days of long days, days of agitation or whatever days I could and would get. I'm now quite sure as to why numbers are created -- to count, you idiot!

For whatever reason, I'm feeling convinced. I even believe there's life after death. But of course with all the positive things happening, gloominess still sometimes prevails. I was thinking of the days that I won't be able to see kiddo, to touch her, to wipe her tears when she cries, to laugh with her, to hug and kiss her and so on. People visualize me that I don't give a shit, that I have a stone-cold heart but in reality, am not. I guess my face looks good pretending not to care though deep down inside, I always always ponder what will my life be when I'm thrown out into the battlefield... alone.

Still, I'm decided. I don't believe in second chances and "patiently waiting" doesn't seem to be part of my dictionary. It's time and I'm all ready. Fourteen nights and twenty-nine days more. So all I'm asking is for you to bear with my recurring numbers.

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