Friday, November 20, 2009

Movie and KTV

Last night, my droogs and I went out for a movie and KTV. We have planned this since Chie arrived from Dubai. Watched the New Moon and I tell you, it's just a waste of money! Movie was really boring with all the yapping and very long phasing, but what made it interesting is when the wolves and vampires show off their yummy bodies. I myself drool over Taylor Lautner's sexy abs though I still prefer Rob's since I'm not really into those hulky bulky guys. Hehe.

Anyway, after the movie we went to a KTV bar somewhere in Jupiter, Makati and realized that watching New Moon was actually a bad idea. I warn you, don't watch New Moon, you'll totally crave for food after! Hehe. As we went inside the exclusive room, we immediately ordered almost everything and as soon as the food was placed on the table, man, this was really embarrassing -- it was like a swoosh and the food was totally wiped out! Oh, of course the sizzling sisig was still there. The only reason it wasn't gone is because there ain't any utensils! Imagine some hungry scavengers -- that's basically who we are! The funny thing is that when the waiter returned for our utensils, his face looked so shocked and couldn't believe that it's only a matter of less than 5 minutes and we start ordering some more food. Hahaha!

We had a great time. It was once in a lifetime that we, the Badings, hang out almost complete. We ended up sipp some coffee and laugh out all the things that happened that day. Love you guys. Cheers for our never-ending friendship!

Badings -1
PS Wishing Yatz was here.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Cheers for the badings! :)