Monday, July 23, 2012

Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand all in one!

Almost a month ago, I traveled for dragon boat competition which gave me the privilege to visit three countries. :) I wanna  share with you the places I've been to, the food I tried, and some silly yet exciting adventure I experienced.

My trip had the craziest itinerary ever! How crazy? How's AUH-BKK-PEN-KLIA-HKG-BKK-AUH for you? I actually believe that I got tired and literally sick not because of exhaustion from all that paddling.. it's all from the flights and hours I spent at the airport! Good thing is that I traveled with a group of cool pips. I cannot imagine what would happen if I did all the waiting all by myself.

June 27. From Abu Dhabi to Bangkok. Layover is 5 hours. While travelling, we were debating if we'll go out of the Bangkok airport to explore or just wait and snooze inside. When we got there, a long queue surprised us! I think we spent like an hour or so from the Immigration! So we decided to just stay, eat and think about some plans on visiting a nice place near Bangkok airport on our way home. So yeah, after having our lunch, we sat and counted the people who passed by us.

Roast pork noodles, dumplings and mango shake
Mango sticky rice - a must-try in Bangkok!

June 28. From Bangkok to Penang, Malaysia. We spent 3 days at Penang to compete. We didn't actually find time to roam around and explore the city as our schedule is pretty tight. All we did is eat, sleep, run, and compete. That's how boring our life in Penang is. But we did enjoy the last day though. We made lots of friends during the dinner party celebration.

Rice, sprouts and eel - disgusting as it may sound but definitely yummayyy!
Bak kut teh soup - the underrated Malaysian soup. Makulit's fav!
Durian. Two words - tastes gas! haha
Eel, frogs and pork hur fan - one of my best meals in Penang :)

July 1. From Penang to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Layover 4 hours. Again, we stayed at the airport, ate (thank God there's Marrybrown and Starbucks!), and used the airport's wifi. As much as I wanted to sleep, I cannot find any ways on how to do it! You would never imagine how I miss my bed that very moment!

July 2. Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong. Finally, we arrived! Due to hunger and exhaustion, we just ate to the cafeteria nearby then went to bed.

First day at Hong Kong is our training day. We got to see the race venue and feel the Victoria Harbour. After training, Coach, Remi and I did some exploring. We went to The Peak wherein you need to ride a tram that will take you at the top to see the whole Hong Kong City. T'was beautiful I must admit!

View from The Peak
Pork dumpling noodles with house tea. Honestly, it has some
shrimps so decided on changing it to beef brisket noodles instead 

Second day at Hong Kong is race day. Your body is a mean machine if you can still do something aside from sleeping after the whole day race. :P And yes, we went to the Night Market at Mong Kok! My favorite
day night from the whole trip! I fell in love with Hong Kong because of this place. Everybody's busy, lots of cheap stuff, cool disgusting street food, and good authentic Chinese restaurants! Remi and I did a lot of haggling from our shopping and we still want more!!! But we have a curfew so we went home and decided to go back to this place -- tomorrow! :D

Third day at Hong Kong is rest day and my another favorite day. Why? Woke up early morning. Coach found the coolest and cheapest resto which serves dimsums! Gawwwwddd! I was drooling the moment I saw those huge bamboo baskets! I am at home. Teehee. At night, as promised, we went back to Night Market. Did another round of shopping and ate... what else? Noodles!

Enjoying my dimsum with Angkong (who, apparently, wasn't enjoying!)
Cool Chinese pips. Peace yo!
More more more dimsums!!!
I only ate one hakaw, promise! Then my face felt itchy after
Have I told you how much I love meat and chicken feet? :)
I love Mong Kok!
Rice noodle with pork dumpling :)
Pork dumplings :)
Yummy egg tarts
Beef brisket, pork dumpling and fish and tofu noodles. Two thumbs up!
Tentacles! Was tempted but nah, didn't try this one
Stuffed I dunno what
More HK street food. Those long brown ones
from the vendor's hands are really scary

Fourth day at Hong Kong is race day. Yet another epic day. :)

Fifth day at Hong Kong is Tian Tan Buddha and Disneyland day! Woke up late. Boys have gone off for some cable car action and to see the Big Buddha while Remi and I are still you know, taking our time doing nothing at the hotel. Hehe... Eventually we reached the place, rode the cable car and enjoyed the scenery right beside the Buddha :) Then, we went off to Disneyland. One of the saddest part (for me) of this trip. When we got there, it's about to close though we made it to see the fireworks. But it's fine, I guess I need to be there and enter the gates with my Munchkin :)

Cable cars. I got a bit scared. Didn't know am a bit afraid of heights! Yaiks!
Tian Tan Buddha at Ngong Ping, Lantau.
I keep on remembering Star Trek - I come in peace!
'nuff said :)

Sixth day at Hong Kong is the last day of the race. Right after the race is the dinner party for all participants to feast, dance and enjoy. Yes you are right, that doesn't end there. Since we made lots of friends, we partied at some club all night morning till we drop. I actually didn't sleep after all that happenings as we got home really really late. But what the heck, we have a very early wake up call to leave for our flight back to Abu Dhabi so I need to tell the zombie me to move and fix my stuff. Ugh. Tired, no sleep, drunk - that day, I just want someone to stab me to death.

July 9. From Hong Kong to Bangkok. Layover 8 hours. I told myself am gonna kill if am gonna stay at the airport for 8 freaking hours! Just kidding :P but we did went outside and explore a small part called Wat Po. We visited the ginormous reclining golden Buddha and some temples. I honestly felt bored with the Bangkok street on our way to that Buddha thing. To me, it's very similar to Philippines. But I have to admit that I was amazed with this lazy lying golden Buddha. She is so HUGE and so GOLDY! Lol

Huge reclining golden Buddha.
Her feet is made of mother of pearls! So hands-off please!
More Buddhas - I lost count on the Buddhas I saw. There are loads!
Inside temple with monks. Ssssshhhhhh...
Artistic temples
Bangkok's famous tuk-tuk

So there, my all in one adventure in Asia. Didn't really had enough time to visit more of the tourist spots but hey, I went there to compete and not to tour so I guess I had managed my time quite well. I promised me self to come back to Hong Kong soon and explore more. :)

Till my next adventure! Ta-ta!

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