Thursday, July 26, 2012


Another year older, another year wiser - this has always been my words whenever a year is adding up my age.

Yeah, I just celebrated my 29th year on Earth and though I have gained so much of life's wisdom; truth is, I don't feel a day over 24.

From learning to become a mom, to finding the courage to leave home for better opportunities, to be at some place sipping coffee alone, taking leaps of faith to enjoy things I haven't done before and just go with the flow -- I feel like I've had an emotional growth spurt.

Things I learned this year?

Change brings more change. When I got over the fact of freaking out imagining of not having a steady income when I left my job in the Philippines, now, I couldn’t imagine not having my own place to live. Then I couldn’t imagine spending major holidays away from home. So it goes. The more change you're creating, the more you'll become experienced, and the more you'll grow as a person.

Everyday is a gift. Having the freedom to choose how I spent everyday this past year, every “usual” day has been my “own”. Days that I used to consider major holidays like Christmas, New Year’s and my birthday, have each felt like a “usual” day, but in the most extraordinary way.

I know too little about the world. I’ve never really learned much world history/culture and I don't even know much about my own country's history but travelling has been an educational experience. Each year, I make it a point that I have traveled at least one place (locally or internationally) to gear up some knowledge. ;)

Life and identity crisis are ongoing. Finding my passion and identity has been a continual dilemma. I thought I wanted to pursue anything related to law, then I realized I was attracted to the web because of it’s strength as a way to communicate or interact with all pips you wish in different parts of the world or to do really good at sports particularly dragon boat and think of a way on how to correlate it with sky diving, diving and surfing. LOL

Alone doesn’t mean lonely. I thought I’d get sad from leaving home or travelling alone, but I was dead wrong. In fact, I never felt homesick, lonesome or whatsoever. Sure am missing my family and friends back home but am too lucky to experience the power of technology. Seriously though, it never occured to me that I can enjoy my own company! Does this mean that I can be even better company if I’m with others? Well, YES! ;)

The grass is greener on this side. I used to compare myself to colleagues and friends, find myself wishing for a better job, bigger salary or more money in the bank. This year, instead of pursuing what would make me more “comparable” to someone else, I’ve started following my heart, being me who is ME and doing what makes me happy.

There really is a second chance. Before, when I felt bruised and stitched in terms of love, I told myself that's it. Now, I've seen the beauty and differences of each and every individual, I told myself do-over. ;)

So, that's it. I'm glad sharing my rollercoaster life with you for the past year. Being 29 is awesome, wanna bet?

See yah!

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