Saturday, July 25, 2009


I wasn't surprised waking up one day finding myself at this age. All the adventures that I've been through... nah! I'm always in a state of awareness that I will grow up and get old gracefully. I hope! I remember a quote that I read somewhere: Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. True, in the sense that not all of us grow up even if we are the the oldest living person in the world. I, myself don't know if I'm a grown up person. I sometimes find myself confused of things but accept them as it was and never regret anything. I do believe that I will not be the person I am now if I never came across all the things that you can imagine a person can stumble upon in life.

If I only have a list, it will be a long one since there's a lot of people I wanted to thank my life for. I won't elaborate them here but am sure they know who they are. I am very lucky having Xioms in my life -- she's the best gift ever! Everyday is turning out great with her beside me. I am learning things, things you'll never thought of learning. Patience (for example), one of the attitudes that I lack is quite improving. She's the one who thought me to fight not just because you have an enemy but because you believe there's something or someone worth fighting for. She thought me to love unconditionally, regardless of tears and sorrow, things like that.

I'm not hoping for a car or a house on this special day of mine though if it's all been given, why not??? But rather, I am hoping for more happiness and long life for me to witness my kiddo growing up. I would be a hypocrite if I say that my life's perfect. Nothing's perfect you silly! But I truly am blessed having an understanding and supportive family, true and trusted friends and best of all an angel who gives a reason for my daily survival. I love you all and happy birthday to me self. Cheers!


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