Friday, January 29, 2010

CDF: Vampire Assistant Movie Review

I've always been a fan of dracula and vampire books like Stoker's, Rice's, Harris', Shan's and so on. I must say that Anne Rice was my favorite as she produced a very convincing and near-to-real myths about these interesting bloodsucking creatures.

Last night, my good friend Roch and I watched Cirque du Freak Vampire Assistant at the big screen. This film is an adaptation of Darren O'Shaughnessy's vampire book series. A total of 12 books have been published by this great author and Vampire Assistant was the second of those. Anyhoo, the story was like a fantasy-adventure of a teenager who later on well, became a bloodthirsty vampire who stays with numerous cool freaks you couldn't even imagine.

Honestly, I was really excited as hell when I found out that Shan's books will be adapted for films. I've read the books way back and started reading them again last year. I'll be needing some refresher you know.

Verdict? 5/10. Why? Well, I am a film critic (I guess) and I hate myself for that. I always think that adaptation especially from books to movies should be done in less and not more. I don't believe in those views that in order to create a good film, one should add spices to it even if it's really not part of the book.

Why disappointed? The film is very far from the book, actors weren't good enough portraying the characters, bad effects, and what hurts me most was that everything's been revealed in this first installment rather than giving people their enthusiasm to crave for more, which was in fact what made me a fan of these books.

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not giving false hopes or anything. Maybe if you haven't read the book, you might enjoy watching this despite the flaws. I guess sometimes, let's just let a book be a book. Enough said.

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