Saturday, October 4, 2008

Laughter in the Rain

It's been almost a month since I last posted. I guess I can say my hands have been quite full these past few weeks and I bet my fans are all waiting for my so-called "drama". Hehe.. A lot of things happened, some eye-opening and some... ummm... insignificant. Haha!

Love me. Feed me. Never leave me. That's from Garfield. Not really a fan but when I saw the trailer in Star Movies, I thought of my munchkin/piglet. 

Xioms' doing great, getting bigger and longer every day. Yeah, I've had my share of semi-sleepless nights (lately she got sick), but all's worth it. It's hard to get up in the middle of the night to feed or change her but I'm getting the hang of it. There are times when I feel so frustrated because her cries are so loud that it scares me, but when I pick her up and cuddle her, she stops. It makes me feel good to know that sometimes, that's all that she needs. I'm soooo in love with her!

Oh, I had an eye-opening experience last week.  I was at home watching (t'was my rest day) and I saw how much a mother could love her kid.  There was this commercial of a child having hydrocephalus and her parents were asking for people's help because they don't have any money for the operation. I thought I've seen my fair share of people in need but then I suddenly caught myself crying, yep, literally CRYING from where I sit. My mom thought I'm getting mad or some sort. I really couldn't help myself, my tears just came out. I realized how lucky I am to have everything that I need. But then I had another realization and I just wanted to slap myself right then and there. Who am I to count my blessings based on others' misfortunes?!? Bad. Very bad. Pathetic ko noh?

So there, I learned my lesson. Knowing that there are other people who has bigger problems than I do won't help at all, it won't make me feel better or would make things easier for me. It'll only show how selfish and pathetic I can get. I have to learn how to APPRECIATE what I have. Period. Plain and simple. 

Haaaay... Life.

Anyway, enough with the drama. It rained last night and I have to say I just LOVE the rain. Weird, but I really do love it when it pours. Somehow, everything about it makes me feel happy and safe. Mysteriously, it even brings back happy memories. Come to think of it, I can't remember even a single rainy day that went bad for me. Even when it catches me off guard and wets me from head to toe, it really isn't that bad. Pluuusss, after weeks of superrr heat, I get to sleep better at morning (yep, morning because I'm already in the GY shift). More cuddling. Hihihi. I get to cuddle my carepig more. Wahooo! I can't wait to see my munchkin. A couple more hours, and yes, I'm typing this blog at work. Bleah!

Haaaay... Happy happy happy. Ooooh! I hear laughter in the rain.

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