Friday, August 31, 2012

You Against the World

There are just stories which starts from a bliss but eventually ends to amiss. This may be one of the reasons why people became misantrophe and doesn't want to get attached to anyone.

People have their own issues but surely they don't want to get hurt. Hurt so bad that you couldn't contain and all you can think of is just die.

Some people tried so hard not to be emotionally attached to someone but for some reason, earth will just give you something...someone whom you think you can trust and will protect you from no harm.

Only a fool would believe that life is like a fairy tale and has a happy ending. I mean, wake up everyone! There's no such fucking thing! We are all surrounded by manipulative self-centered assholes and there's no one else you can count on but yourself. Just accept this fact -- you are alone against the world. Period.

Frankly speaking, I'm so not in to love today.

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