Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Xioms' First Day at School in Murray

Today was Xioms' first day at school here in Murray under Murray Independent School District (MISD). She's now in 3rd grade which is still in elementary, but yes you're right, time just went by like a whoosh! It was just like yesterday when I first held her in my arms and sing her lullabies every night to sleep. Oh well...

Xioms now a Tiger! Rawr!

Honestly, both Vlad and I are so excited but a bit scared for her. This is way outside her comfort zone. We are new in town, we do not know anyone, and the school system is far different from what we have back home in the Philippines. But we were assured by the school principal as well as Xioms' adviser that she will surely enjoy and would easily blend in with the crowd. Well, they're right. Xioms seems to be happy when we picked her up after school and was so excited for tomorrow's class. Whew!

So, that's it for now. Hoping for a fun and productive year for my not-so-little munchkin! Toodles!
