Monday, July 25, 2016

Best Birthday (so far)

I'm the luckiest homo sapien in the world! Today isn't only about celebrating the day of my existence but also rejoicing being with such an amazing, loving family.

My husband planned on a week-long mid-west road trip birthday celebration for me. Our planned route would be Kentucky-Illinois-Missouri-Nebraska-Iowa-South Dakota-Wyoming-Colorado-Kansas-Kentucky. I know it's gonna be tiring and insane but I'm telling you, it's full of exploration and excitement! We're currently on a stop here at Wyoming and off in the next few hours to Colorado. Man, driving in Wyoming is a shocker (in a very good way)! I promise to blog all about the places we passed and stopped by in full detail but for now, I better get my butt ready for the wilderness ahead of me.

This year is just extra special. I get to age another year physically with my husband and my daughter. Cheers for a happy life, and oh, happy 33rd birthday to me. Ta-ta!
