Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Classic Short Story

A girl arrived late at the office this morning due to some unfortunate events (seriously, you don't wanna know what happened!). She heedlessly walked all the way to her station, passed by her boss' office - never thought he's there already, he looked at her, she had a 30-second moment of comatose and verbal constipation realising that her shades were still on, got coffee at one hand, bag on the other and earphones in her ears listening to some sort of a screaming rock song which can be heard by a person who is 5 feet away from her.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

What d'you call it then?

Time is not the basis on how you would know that that person is the ONE.

Be it 7 years, 7 days or 7 seconds.
It's the way you FEEL beautiful and the most important person in the world.
It's the understanding even if no one is talking.
It's the moment you can't bear not letting that person know how much you love and miss him/her.
It's the time you're willing to spend even if you're very busy.
It's the risk you're apt to take just to make sure the person is safe.
It's the contentment that you discern without questioning or asking for more.
It's those simple little things you recognise without being told.
It's a promise that whatever happens, you'll be there to STAY.
I believe in true love and I want to fall in love everyday but not today.