Monday, May 16, 2011

Her Clueless Love (Ending)

Every beginning really has an ending. Lucky you if you have a sweet and happy final chapter. Well, this story doesn't have.

She was only given almost seven months and for her, those days were blissfully great. It all started when she met this very unusual and difficult man. They became not so close friends by days then got very intimate in less than a month. After some time they became close but not so close that a person would know his/her deepest and darkest secrets in life. The funny thing is they are completely opposite, to the point that they always have small and big arguments though they jive anyway.

This guy made her feel extra special by spending a lot of time with her, giving her gifts, telling her his future plans (which sometimes includes her) and so on. She finally end up to be like a fish that had been caught by a fisherman, though she maintains her values, point of views and position in life. For her, she's been there, done that. She felt confused, a bit insecure, weird and suspicious of this thing; but deep down inside her, she felt good.. really good.

Then one day, she received the three-letter word that a person rarely say. She believed in that. Since, she felt it was real that she did threw it back to him through actions and words. They were happy - at least, that's what she thought.

On the 193rd day, it all ended. It was very abrupt. She tried questioning him about this but all his answers were like a puzzle that no one could ever fix. She sensed that she's being ignored and worst, being avoided. Every minute she asked herself why? She gave him 1..2..3..4 days to explain but she was given nothing. She quietly told herself that she lost him. But the fact hits her - he was never hers so she didn't lose the man.

Now, she tries to embrace the sadness. Being a strong woman, she knows what to do. This is her cue to STOP.

They say, "Tears washes our hurts away. It is a personal healing that is natural to our humanity." The problem is - tears aren't coming out of her eyes. Does this mean hurt will haunt her forever? Soul-hurt. Love sucks.