Saturday, April 12, 2008

In Too Deep

Yes... I am. There are just certain things in life that you can't change. No matter how hard you hope and think against it... you're stuck, fucking stuck! As one of the greatest U2 song goes... you're stuck in a moment you can't get out of.

There's no one to blame but me. I can't go on pointing the finger on fate or destiny. There are no such things. I've just recently read: "The world's greatest lie: at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate."

Never in our lives do we lose control... even if we're drunk, high or just in a crazy mood. We ALWAYS have a choice. We always MAKE a choice. Our lives depend on these choices we make... things could go one way or the other. It just depends on how you take it.

I know I'm not perfect. No one is. I've made a lot of bad decisions in life. And here I am. Stuck. I'm in too deep that I can't seem to get out of this shithole I've made.

But now, I'm making a choice. I choose to learn from my mistakes. I choose to stand by the consequences of my past actions and rise up to life's challenges.

Daaaamn... drama mo nanaman Pitz!