Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Sweetest Thing

Xiomara Ziel. She's just the sweetest thing in my life right now. Despite the sleepless nights and the eardrum-breaking cries, I'm in heaven whenever I'm with her. Taking care of a 5-month old baby is very taxing, but that's nothing compared to the rewards. Yebah! :P

Up until now, I can't believe that there's someone who'd be so contented if I just carry her in my arms. When she's crying, I just pick her up and she'd be in content (well, except when she's hungry or needs a nappie change). Talk about gratifying. Hehe. Haaay... I love you Xiomai. I truly do.

So there... my December. Haha. Pretty boring, eh. Wait for the following months... I know I'll entertain you someday. Hah!
And oh, Happy Holidays!!!